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Author Topic: Any overhead type Stationary engine Smaller than Mamod Minor 1?  (Read 932 times)


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Quote from: Damnfmaschine
The spirit used in these burners can be ‘toned’ down by adding a small percentage of water to make the flame less fierce; say 5% H2O added.

Thank you for this tip!...I believe this will work as my very first Stirling type engines I ran on "rubbing Alcohol" commonly found here in drug stores in the First Aid isle.
  During Covid the 91% grade was often sold out and I had to settle for 70% grade. I then learned to source 100% Alcohol used in sailboat cookstoves and was amazed at how Hot a 100% Alcohol fire could be!
  The Mamod Meths tray (rectangular burner) has a lot of surface area and the Alcohol with water content should tone down the fire nicely. Mamod MM1 engines on YouTube can often be seen walking around on smooth tables because of the huge fire!

Video: this gentleman has overfilled his Mamod Meths burner, he has to hold the base down to keep the engine from walking away, but is complaining of his fingers are uncomfortable holding the hot base! At times you can see the fire coming out of the door and also other parts of the firehouse!
  I know that Mamod Meths burners used properly work better than this. Enjoy the Video!