I'll chime in as an "expert", if you'll accept the definition of an expert as follows:
An "Ex" is a has been, while a "spert" is a drip under pressure!
Okay now, with that resolved, let me say that to break in a new steam engine, I would simply run it with moderation for the first couple of runs. Don't try to drive it to its highest possible RPMs and don't lug it down with any too much load from accessories, all while being sure that it is in fact well oiled, including proper steam oil in the cylinder and valve chest.
Yes, certainly, you can use your compressor with a rubber tipped airgun to blow out your steam line and cylinder, but only do so with low to moderate air pressure, and not the 125 PSI that many compressors are capable of providing. Just 10 to 20 PSI is more than enough to do the job of running your engine on air in order to dry it out after a steam-up.
Spring belts can be had from most of the commercial steam engine sources, but you may also want to look into various forms of "plastic" belting that can be cut and glued to whatever lengths you desire. Evilbay is generally a good source for this material, which for some reason seems to come mostly colored in green, though I have seen black that is supposedly about the same stuff on occasion. Beyond that, record player and tape deck belts can be made to work also, though they tend to be rather short.
Hope any of that helps.