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Author Topic: Wilesco T125 Turbine Running on Steam, Esbit Fuel Fired  (Read 790 times)


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  • Location: Minnesota, USA
Karsten has proven unreliable multiple times in the past.
That said, he is a very talented and skilled artisan.

Also consider that, per contract, he may cannot make a Jensen Turbine for a his private customers.
I believe there are ethical and legal issues prevent this.

I would expect Wilesco and Ministeam have a similar contract with him. It was Doug at Ministeam who brought Karsten to Wilesco, made the intro and put the deal together.

If my conclusions are incorrect, please let me know.
In other words, if anyone has actually acquired a Jensen Turbine or Wilesco Turbine, directly from Karsten, we should know there is a possible source.


Good point hadn’t thought of copies being made